So, since it's almost the end of March and I have missed posting about 2 birthdays, lots of out of town guests, plays, doctors visits and everything in between here's a quick catch up of whats been going on in the Clark house this year!
Claire LOVES dressing herself and always comes up with the most creative and fun combinations! I always tell the kids wear whatever you want as long as it's clean, modest and ready for whatever the weather may be. Claire usually wears (at a minimum) 2 outfits at once.
Spirit Week at school
Claire ice-skating with her preschool class -surprising how quickly these 4 and 5 year olds caught on to it!
Grace and Lauren tried out for the Missoula Children's Theatre production of Pied Piper. Lauren wasn't sure if she wanted to try out but she LOVED it! Grace was a cook and Lauren was a Rat-I told Lauren that I don't let Rats in my house and she ASSURED me that she is a clean rat!
Papa flew in to watch the girls play. They didn't know he was coming until they saw him in the audience-it was great!
Papa and Lauren
I've decided that headlamps were invented for reading books in bed at night so you don't wake up anyone else...they are genius!
I signed up Logan for Martial Arts and he LOVES it!
Lauren is in gymnastics but, truth be told when deciding between ballet and gymnastics she went with the one that had the outfit that "sparkled" more. It's all about the clothes with that girl!
Lauren and Ty
Nana and Alison Malouf came into town for my Favorite things party. It was so fun to have them here!
I love this lady! She is my other sister. It was so fun to have her in town for the weekend!
Devrey came to visit us for a week while Aunt Ellen was recuperating after having Baby Brayden. It was so fun! Devrey is the EASIEST and most laid back kid to have around. The kids all loved having her around. We took her skiing for the first time and she helped us shovel the driveway.
Moving to Montana has been AWESOME for our family! One of the hardest things for me though has been to not live close to a temple. Our temple district is The Cardston, Canada temple. On a good sunny day it's a 2 1/2 hour drive each way. In the winter it can be twice that. Paul and I had planned a trip to the Cardston temple. I was dressed and ready to go. Had a babysitter for Claire. En route to the babysitters house Claire said. "Mom, there is a wrapper up my nose." She decided that NOW was the perfect time to experiment with those two small holes on the end of her nose! After trying to take it out on our own-with no success we headed to the Doctors office. I just have to say though, that after today I fell in love with my sweet husband even more! When I came home with Claire, as frusterated as could be he just looked at me smiled and laughed and said "Babe, it's no big deal, it's life" and as always, helped me put perspective back into things. He's the best. Ever since then though, Claire will randomly come up to me and say "Mom, is there anything in my nose?" I tell her no and ask if she put something up there. Her response is always no, I was just checking! Love that girl.
so very happy to be able to look at pictures of the munchkins. They are adorable