Sunday, July 14, 2013


Just random pictures of our life with 7 crazy awesome kids!

There is always something to do with Dad in the garage!

Why every kid likes burnt marshmallows over perfectly cooked melt in your mouth roasted marshmallows I don't know!


Lucy feeding a goat a single blade of grass. She loved the goats at the Newton's house.

4 year old style

Always so excited about everything!

I did not plan the matched colored skinnies but, I love it that they actually think it's so cool when we do match ...I'm quite aware that this fact will change in just a few years!

All you can see is Lucy and part of Grace in this picture but, ALL 7 kids were under there during a game of sardines.

The girl loves to pick out her own clothes.

Typical Ty!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last day of school!

Yeah! School is out! We are all so excited. We find out who the kids teachers for next year are going to be on the last day of school so they were all checking out with their friends to see if they are all in the same class! Grace kept exclaiming that she was DONE with elementary school FOR GOOD! Some serious excitement in that girl!

End of the year picture for the 1st, 2nd, and 5th for fun let's compare how much they have grown this year with their beginning of the year picture!

Love these kids!

Here are their pictures for their first day of school and their last day of school! 

Grace and Ms. Vanagman

Lauren and Mrs. Jackson

Logan and Mrs. Bev Brown

Logan and his buddy Jonathan!

Claire's Preschool Graduation

Claire was SOOO excited to graduate from St. Matt's preschool. She is even more excited to be able to go back there next year for "Pre-Kindergarten" instead of pre-school! She loves her teacher Mrs. Windauer.

Claire is so much fun! She is so excited about everything. She gives the best hugs and is always smiling! 

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day this year Paul was out of town working but, he helped the kids scheme up a fabulous day for me with Breakfast in Bed, lots of homemade cards and some foot rubs! It was awesome! We usually don't do gifts for each other but, Paul picked me up an apple corer and slicer...he didn't know that I had one while I was growing up so it brought back some great memories! The kids love it too.


Whenever we go to our friend's Honey and Sam's house the kids usually come back with a desire for a animal of some kind. Up until this point we have been able to curb their want for a animal with our fish (we always tell them we have provided them with lots of fun siblings but, it doesn't seem to be appreciated!:) Honey and Sam have a couple cats, a dog, sheep, goats and a ton of chickens. After a fun night at their house I woke up to this piece of paper on the counter from the kids...

Spring Break

Spring break this year was the first week in April. It included lots of driving for all the kiddos! To Utah, and to Kalispell and Cardston. I was a slacker at taking pictures except for when they were in the car...or eating. I promise they did other fun things besides just drive :) Kash, Ty and Lucy had their first Root Beer Float ever! It was a hit!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

We are SPARTAN!!

The amazing Spartan obstacle race was coming to Kalispell and Paul and I signed up! He ended up being out of town but, Grace and Logan joined me for the kids race. It was by far the most fun I have ever had in a race! We are planning on doing it next year and maybe the Spartan in Calgary this August.

Prepping themselves to be Spartans!

The kids were so excited! My race was first so they hung out with some of the other kids that were racing and played with their walkie talkies until it was time for their race.

One of my favorite girls and I after we finished. It was so much fun! My time was 1:50:00. Next year the goal is to be under 1:30:00 and not have to be any burpees! (if you can't do an obstacle on the first try you have to do 30 burpees)

Grace loved it! 

Right after he finished Logan said he wasn't sure he wanted to do another one, but now since some time has passed he wants to do one for sure!