Sunday, November 10, 2013


Since I haven't posted for quite a while....I'm going to make this easy on myself and post all the rest of the summer pictures in one shot so it's done and I can get rid of the self-imposed guilt I feel for getting behind! Summer went by way to fast as usual but, it included a ton of awesome memories! The kids are all getting to the age where it's easy and fun to go places. Being done with the diaper bags, naptime (for the most part-I can always use one and the kids sometimes too :) strollers and extra changes of clothes phase sure makes life less hectic in someways-more in others!

We take a family bike ride to Sweet peaks (the BEST ice cream shop in town) a couple of times each summer. It is almost 11 miles round trip so the kids are BEAT by the time we get there. It's so fun!

Here is our attempt at a garden this summer. Raspberries, watermelon, cucumbers, corn, and zucchini.

Wrestling while waiting for me to get out of a doctors appt.

Montana has a SANDY beach! It is on Whitefish lake and its fantastic! The kids had an awesome time playing in the sand and hanging out with our awesome friends the Eldredges.  Good times!

Outdoor movie time!

Paul is 34!

For Paul's "34" birthday we were kid-less and in Kalispell. We had Paul's favorite treat, Cheesecake and spent the day together! Paul is the most amazing husband and Dad. Everyday I feel so lucky that we were able to meet, get married and spend the rest of our lives together raising our 7 awesome kids! We have so much fun together and he makes me laugh everyday. He is hardworking and doesn't complain about anything. He is super talented and can fix EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Anyone that knows Paul know that if there is something broken or in need of an "update" he can figure out how to fix it! It still amazes me the things he can build, think of and do! Anytime anything is not working in the house all the kids say so non-chanlantly "oh, we can just have Dad fix it" like it's no big deal. The sad part is that when there is something that needs to be sewn or hemmed they still say the same thing...I guess it's no secret that my seamstress abilities are quite lacking! Hmmmm, I need to work on that!!

Summer fun

Summer time in Montana has got to be the best time of year! It stays light until 9 or 10 pm, we have the perfect warm temperature and we have a ton of lakes to choose from every day to go and visit! We upgraded out Walmart swimming pool this year and got the larger one. In usual Dad style he siphoned water from the hot tub into the pool so it wouldn't be too cold for the kids!

We went on the boat with the Boyce's on June's a bit chilly here in Montana but, Paul bravely put on a women's wet suit and got in the water!

Paul and I went to California for a week. He worked and I played! I went and saw Lisa and Kelly and their kids in San Diego and then headed down to Huntington Beach and saw Beth and Ryan's new little addition-Wyatt Legrande Bird. It was so hot where Paul was working--yes in the picture the temperature is 130 degrees! It was a great trip!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Pictures of all the kids together before they left for Cardston and Utah for the summer!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Just random pictures of our life with 7 crazy awesome kids!

There is always something to do with Dad in the garage!

Why every kid likes burnt marshmallows over perfectly cooked melt in your mouth roasted marshmallows I don't know!


Lucy feeding a goat a single blade of grass. She loved the goats at the Newton's house.

4 year old style

Always so excited about everything!

I did not plan the matched colored skinnies but, I love it that they actually think it's so cool when we do match ...I'm quite aware that this fact will change in just a few years!

All you can see is Lucy and part of Grace in this picture but, ALL 7 kids were under there during a game of sardines.

The girl loves to pick out her own clothes.

Typical Ty!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Last day of school!

Yeah! School is out! We are all so excited. We find out who the kids teachers for next year are going to be on the last day of school so they were all checking out with their friends to see if they are all in the same class! Grace kept exclaiming that she was DONE with elementary school FOR GOOD! Some serious excitement in that girl!

End of the year picture for the 1st, 2nd, and 5th for fun let's compare how much they have grown this year with their beginning of the year picture!

Love these kids!

Here are their pictures for their first day of school and their last day of school! 

Grace and Ms. Vanagman

Lauren and Mrs. Jackson

Logan and Mrs. Bev Brown

Logan and his buddy Jonathan!